Brussels, a city with so many hidden treasures, a vast history, divided in language and so diverse that every day I question whether to greet people with a “bonjour”, a “goedendag” or a “good morning”; whether to give one, two or three kisses on the cheek – or none! Do I stumble my way in French, do I try to get connected in Dutch or do I make a complete fool of myself speaking English to a Wallonian (who doesn’t speak any)? Brussels is a new chapter in our lives that started some years ago.
As a family, we were looking to move from The Hague and thought a little village in a remote area would be a great place for our family. However, God clearly spoke to us at Ashburnham 2015 and showed us that this was not His plan.
We already knew of the vision to plant a church in Brussels, we’d heard many words spoken about it and friends of ours were so excited about this beautiful city. So, we went, explored, prayed and found the next place for us to be. God spoke and stirred our hearts to love the city like He does and to see the people as He sees them.
In April 2017, we started to meet to worship, pray and build friendship. It has been fun, exciting, interesting and sometimes difficult to grow together as a team. We’re new to the city, new to each other, new to church planting, but we love it!
As a small group of people, we have a desire to make an impact in this huge city. We can’t do this on our own, but God can. We have been given faith to reach the city knowing that God uses the weak and ordinary. I believe that God gives each of us the faith we need to live in the places we do and to do what He calls us to do.
Being here reminds me of when David fought Goliath. Our kids love that story and they will always tell us the meaning before we’ve ended the story, “even though we are small, with God we can do great things.” Small things can have a big impact. Meeting your neighbours, talking about things that matter to colleagues, having a chat with the homeless, praying for friends in pain, visiting the lonely, or any other small act of kindness you can think of all have a significant impact.
Jesus heals the broken, gives hope to the hopeless, breaks the chains of the captives, brings light in to darkness. We believe that through the Holy Spirit we likewise can bring people to Jesus.